Limit to human life may be 115 (ish). [say some, others disagree]

Human life spans may be limited to a maximum of about 115 years, claim US scientists. Their conclusions, published in the journal Nature, were made by analysing decades of data on human longevity. They said a rare few may live longer, but the odds were so poor you’d have to scour 10,000 planet Earths to find just one 125-year-old. But while some scientists have praised the study, others have labelled it a dismal travesty.

/…/ The 115-year claim is too much for Prof James Vaupel, the director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. He described the study as a dismal travesty and said scientists had in the past claimed the limit was 65, 85 and 105 only to be proven wrong over and over again.

read the full article..

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